# USER'S QUICK REFERENCE ***************************************************************** *IMPORTANT:* * *THIS SERVER DOES NOT SUPPORT GIT-LFS* * *YOU MAY ACCESS THIS SERVER VIA SSH OR HTTPS* * *YOU WILL NEED CREDENTIALS TO PUSH TO ANY REPO ON THIS SERVER* - Contact the administrator at info@smt-acc.com ***************************************************************** ## CLONE A REPO (to the user's local PC) `git clone git@git.barcelli.net:myrepo` (You will need ssh authentication to clone and push) `git clone https://git.barcelli.net/git/myrepo` (You won't need authentication to clone with https, but you will need it to push to the repo) ## ADD A REPO AS REMOTE (to a local repo on the user PC) `git remote add origin git@git.barcelli.net:myrepo.git` (If you want to use ssh) `git repote add origin https://git.barcelli.net/git/myrepo.git` (if you want to use https) **************************************************************************** # ADMINISTRATOR'S QUICK REFERENCE ## PROVIDE ACCESS (Users will have access to all repositories in the server) 1. Add the user's ssh public key to server (for ssh access) 2. `sudo htpasswd -m /etc/apache2/git.passwd user1` (for https access) 3. No need to add any credentials for read-only access via https ## CREATE A NEW REPOSITORY (on the server by the administrator) You may use either of the following: 1. Run the following commands: ``` cd /home/git sudo mkdir myrepo.git sudo chown -R git:www-data myrepo.git sudo chmod g+s myrepo.git cd myrepo.git sudo git init --bare cd .. sudo chown -R git:www-data myrepo.git sudo chmod -R 775 myrepo.git ``` 2. Run the following script as sudo: `sudo ./create_repo.sh myrepo` ****************************************************************** # REFERENCES https://git-scm.com/ Git official documentation https://learn.smt-acc.com/ Free introductory course to Git with certification