2021-07-12 10:24:03 +00:00
< ? php
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );
class plgHikashoppaymentTriplea extends hikashopPaymentPlugin {
var $accepted_currencies = array (
'AUD' , 'CAD' , 'EUR' , 'GBP' , 'JPY' , 'USD' , 'NZD' , 'CHF' , 'SGD' ,
2021-07-12 12:44:25 +00:00
'NOK' , 'MYR' , 'PHP' , 'TWD' ,
'HKD' , 'IDR' , 'KRW' , 'SEK' , 'THB' , 'VND'
2021-07-12 10:24:03 +00:00
var $debugData = array ();
var $multiple = true ;
var $name = 'triplea' ;
var $pluginConfig = array (
'url' => array ( 'URL' , 'input' ),
2021-07-13 15:43:24 +00:00
// 'walletid' => array('TripleA Wallet ID', 'input'),
2021-07-12 12:44:25 +00:00
'merchant_key' => array ( 'TripleA Merchant Key' , 'input' ),
'client_id' => array ( 'TripleA Client ID' , 'input' ),
'notify_secret' => array ( 'TripleA Client secret' , 'input' ),
2021-07-13 15:43:24 +00:00
'sandbox' => array ( 'Set as testing environment' , 'boolean' , '0' ),
2021-07-12 10:24:03 +00:00
'invalid_status' => array ( 'INVALID_STATUS' , 'orderstatus' ),
'pending_status' => array ( 'PENDING_STATUS' , 'orderstatus' ),
'verified_status' => array ( 'VERIFIED_STATUS' , 'orderstatus' )
function onAfterOrderConfirm ( & $order , & $methods , $method_id ){
parent :: onAfterOrderConfirm ( $order , $methods , $method_id );
$notify_url = HIKASHOP_LIVE . 'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout&task=notify¬if_payment=triplea&tmpl=component&&invoice=' . $order -> order_id . 'lang=' . $this -> locale . $this -> url_itemid ;
$return_url = HIKASHOP_LIVE . 'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout&task=after_end&order_id=' . $order -> order_id . $this -> url_itemid ;
$cancel_url = HIKASHOP_LIVE . 'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=cancel_order&order_id=' . $order -> order_id . $this -> url_itemid ;
$vars = array (
2021-07-12 12:44:25 +00:00
" type " => 'triplea' ,
2021-07-12 10:24:03 +00:00
" ok_receiver " => $this -> payment_params -> walletid ,
2021-07-12 12:44:25 +00:00
" order_currency " => $this -> currency -> currency_code ,
2021-07-12 10:24:03 +00:00
" invoice " => $order -> order_id ,
" ok_return_success " => $return_url ,
" ok_ipn " => $notify_url ,
" ok_return_fail " => $cancel_url
$i = 1 ;
$config =& hikashop_config ();
$group = $config -> get ( 'group_options' , 0 );
foreach ( $order -> cart -> products as $product ){
if ( $group && $product -> order_product_option_parent_id ) continue ;
$item_price = round ( $product -> order_product_price ,( int ) $this -> currency -> currency_locale [ 'int_frac_digits' ]) + round ( $product -> order_product_tax ,( int ) $this -> currency -> currency_locale [ 'int_frac_digits' ]) * $product -> order_product_quantity ;
$vars [ " ok_item_ " . $i . " _name " ] = substr ( strip_tags ( $product -> order_product_name ), 0 , 127 );
$vars [ " ok_item_ " . $i . " _quantity " ] = $product -> order_product_quantity ;
$vars [ " ok_item_ " . $i . " _price " ] = $item_price ;
$i ++ ;
$this -> vars = $vars ;
return $this -> showPage ( 'end' );
function onPaymentNotification ( & $statuses ){
$vars = array ();
$data = array ();
$filter =& JFilterInput :: getInstance ();
foreach ( $_REQUEST as $key => $val ){
$vars [ $key ] = $val ;
$order_id = ( int ) @ $vars [ 'invoice' ];
$order_status = '' ;
$dbOrder = $this -> getOrder ( $order_id );
if ( empty ( $dbOrder )){
echo " Could not load any order for your notification " .@ $vars [ 'invoice' ];
return false ;
$this -> loadPaymentParams ( $dbOrder );
if ( empty ( $this -> payment_params ))
return false ;
$this -> loadOrderData ( $dbOrder );
if ( $this -> payment_params -> debug ){
echo print_r ( $vars , true ) . " \n \n \n " ;
echo print_r ( $dbOrder , true ) . " \n \n \n " ;
$url = HIKASHOP_LIVE . 'administrator/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=edit&order_id=' . $order_id ;
$order_text = " \r \n " . JText :: sprintf ( 'NOTIFICATION_OF_ORDER_ON_WEBSITE' , $dbOrder -> order_number , HIKASHOP_LIVE );
$order_text .= " \r \n " . str_replace ( '<br/>' , " \r \n " , JText :: sprintf ( 'ACCESS_ORDER_WITH_LINK' , $url ));
$email = new stdClass ();
$history = new stdClass ();
$response = $vars [ 'ok_txn_status' ];
$verified = preg_match ( " #completed#i " , $response );
// verify transacrion through TripleA
$req = 'ok_verify=true' ;
foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value ) {
$value = urlencode ( stripslashes ( $value ));
$req .= " & $key = $value " ;
$header = " POST /ipn-verify.html HTTP/1.0 \r \n " ;
$header .= " Host: www.okpay.com \r \n " ;
$header .= " Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded \r \n " ;
$header .= " Content-Length: " . strlen ( $req ) . " \r \n \r \n " ;
$fp = fsockopen ( 'www.okpay.com' , 80 , $errno , $errstr , 30 );
if ( ! $fp )
} else
fputs ( $fp , $header . $req );
while ( ! feof ( $fp ))
$res = fgets ( $fp , 1024 );
if ( strcmp ( $res , " VERIFIED " ) == 0 )
$vars [ 'ok_response' ] = $res ;
else if ( strcmp ( $res , " INVALID " ) == 0 )
// If 'INVALID', send an email. TODO: Log for manual investigation.
$vars [ 'ok_response' ] = $res ;
else if ( strcmp ( $res , " TEST " ) == 0 )
$vars [ 'ok_response' ] = $res ;
fclose ( $fp );
$vars [ 'ok_verified' ] = preg_match ( '/verified/i' , @ $vars [ 'ok_response' ]);
// end verify transacrion through TripleA
if ( ! $verified && ! $vars [ 'ok_verified' ]){
$email -> subject = JText :: sprintf ( 'NOTIFICATION_REFUSED_FOR_THE_ORDER' , 'TripleA' ) . 'invalid transaction' ;
$email -> body = JText :: sprintf ( " Hello, \r \n A TripleA notification was refused because it could not be verified by the TripleA server " ) . " \r \n \r \n " . JText :: sprintf ( 'CHECK_DOCUMENTATION' , HIKASHOP_HELPURL . 'payment-triplea-error#invalidtnx' ) . $order_text ;
$this -> modifyOrder ( $order_id , null , false , $email );
return false ;
} else {
$email -> subject = JText :: sprintf ( 'NOTIFICATION_REFUSED_FOR_THE_ORDER' , 'TripleA' ) . 'invalid transaction' ;
$email -> body = JText :: sprintf ( " Hello, \r \n A TripleA notification was refused because it could not be verified by the tripleA server " ) . " \r \n \r \n " . JText :: sprintf ( 'CHECK_DOCUMENTATION' , HIKASHOP_HELPURL . 'payment-triplea-error#invalidtnx' ) . $order_text ;
$this -> modifyOrder ( $order_id , null , false , $email );
$history -> notified = 0 ;
$history -> amount =@ $vars [ 'ok_txn_gross' ] .@ $vars [ 'ok_txn_currency' ];
$history -> data = ob_get_clean ();
$price_check = round ( $dbOrder -> order_full_price , ( int ) $this -> currency -> currency_locale [ 'int_frac_digits' ] );
if ( $price_check != @ $vars [ 'ok_txn_gross' ] || $this -> currency -> currency_code != @ $vars [ 'ok_txn_currency' ]){
$order_status = $this -> payment_params -> invalid_status ;
$email -> subject = JText :: sprintf ( 'NOTIFICATION_REFUSED_FOR_THE_ORDER' , 'TripleA' ) . JText :: _ ( 'INVALID_AMOUNT' );
$email -> body = str_replace ( '<br/>' , " \r \n " , JText :: sprintf ( 'AMOUNT_RECEIVED_DIFFERENT_FROM_ORDER' , 'TripleA' , $history -> amount , $price_check . $this -> currency -> currency_code )) . " \r \n \r \n " . JText :: sprintf ( 'CHECK_DOCUMENTATION' , HIKASHOP_HELPURL . 'payment-triplea-error#amount' ) . $order_text ;
$this -> modifyOrder ( $order_id , $order_status , $history , $email );
return false ;
$order_status = $this -> payment_params -> verified_status ;
$history -> notified = 1 ;
if ( $dbOrder -> order_status == $order_status )
return true ;
$mail_status = $statuses [ $order_status ];
$email -> subject = JText :: sprintf ( 'PAYMENT_NOTIFICATION_FOR_ORDER' , 'TripleA' , $vars [ 'ok_txn_status' ], $dbOrder -> order_number );
$email -> body = str_replace ( '<br/>' , " \r \n " , JText :: sprintf ( 'PAYMENT_NOTIFICATION_STATUS' , 'TripleA' , $vars [ 'ok_txn_status' ])) . ' ' . JText :: sprintf ( 'ORDER_STATUS_CHANGED' , $mail_status ) . " \r \n \r \n " . $order_text ;
$this -> modifyOrder ( $order_id , $order_status , $history , $email );
return true ;
function getPaymentDefaultValues ( & $element ) {
$element -> payment_name = 'TripleA' ;
$element -> payment_description = 'You can pay by TripleA using this payment method' ;
$element -> payment_images = '' ;
$element -> payment_params -> url = 'https://www.okpay.com/process.html' ;
$element -> payment_params -> notification = 1 ;
$element -> payment_params -> details = 0 ;
$element -> payment_params -> invalid_status = 'cancelled' ;
$element -> payment_params -> pending_status = 'created' ;
$element -> payment_params -> verified_status = 'confirmed' ;
$element -> payment_params -> address_override = 1 ;