import base64 CACHE = {} # Openbravo API parameters ob_api_url = "http://[your-openbravo-domain]/openbravo/org.openbravo.service.json.jsonrest/" # Keep only one of the 2 sections below and comment out the other: # 1) you may enter the Openbravo user and password ob_user = 'your-ob-user' ob_pass = 'your-ob-password' userpass_b64 = base64.b64encode((ob_user+':'+ob_pass).encode('ascii')).decode('ascii') # 2) you may enter the user:password base64 encoded #userpass_b64 = "your-ob-user:your-ob-password-base64-encoded" # You may use a special product as a 'comment flag' in order to print the invoice line description instead of the product description. # To take advantage of this feature, first create a product for this purpose in the Master Data of Openbravo, and then update # the line below to match the 'Search Key' of that specific product: # comment_product = 'search-key-of-your-comment-product' comment_product = 'Comment/Note' # Banqup API parameters banqup_client_id = "73223" banqup_platform_id = 15 gst_rate = "8" bq_client_id = "your-client-id-here" bq_client_secret = "your-secret-here" bq_base_url = "" bq_auth_url = "" bq_access_token_url = "" bq_redirect_uri = ""