translate JSON Datasource into Korean (South Korea)

This commit is contained in:
Enrique Barcelli 2020-06-18 10:37:04 -05:00
commit a9266e5fad
26 changed files with 234 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_ELEMENT" version="">
<row id="0D5107C3E85B4520AD9E4386DAA90C30" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Template">템플릿</value>
<value column="PrintName" isTrl="Y" original="Template">템플릿</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="The template used to generate the client-side representation.">클라이언트 측 표현을 생성하는 데 사용되는 템플리트입니다.</value>
<value column="Help" isTrl="Y" original="The template used to generate the client-side representation (in the browser) of the datasource.">데이터 소스의 클라이언트 측 표시 (브라우저에서)를 생성하는 데 사용되는 템플리트입니다.</value>
<value column="PO_Description" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Help" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Name" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_PrintName" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="3FB0A141F73D4E119BC633EEB22D07FD" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Java class name">클래스 이름</value>
<value column="PrintName" isTrl="Y" original="Class implementing the functionality in java">자바에서 기능을 구현하는 클래스</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="Class implementing the functionality in java">자바에서 기능을 구현하는 클래스</value>
<value column="Help" isTrl="Y" original="Class implementing the functionality in java">자바에서 기능을 구현하는 클래스</value>
<value column="PO_Description" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Help" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Name" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_PrintName" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="60A68A01BC1D481996705730BDEA560D" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Datasource Field">데이터 소스 필드</value>
<value column="PrintName" isTrl="Y" original="Datasource Field">데이터 소스 필드</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="The datasource field is part of the datasource definition.">데이터 소스 필드는 데이터 소스 정의의 일부입니다.</value>
<value column="Help" isTrl="Y" original="The datasource field is part of the datasource definition.">데이터 소스 필드는 데이터 소스 정의의 일부입니다.</value>
<value column="PO_Description" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Help" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Name" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_PrintName" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="73C534367AFA4C28A9F8767D59AAE37E" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Datasource">데이터 소스</value>
<value column="PrintName" isTrl="Y" original="Datasource">데이터 소스</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="The datasource ">데이터 소스</value>
<value column="Help" isTrl="Y" original="The datasource provides data from the database or from in-memory data.">데이터 소스는 데이터베이스 또는 인 메모리 데이터의 데이터를 제공합니다.</value>
<value column="PO_Description" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Help" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Name" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_PrintName" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="8D2CB81FF7474F4180695E423B6B7829" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Support Filtering Foreign Key Columns Using Their ID">ID를 사용하여 외래 키 열 필터링 지원</value>
<value column="PrintName" isTrl="Y" original="Support Filtering Foreign Key Columns Using Their ID">ID를 사용하여 외래 키 열 필터링 지원</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="If this flag is checked, when a foreign key is filtered by selecting a value from the filter drop down, the foreign key will be filtered using its id.">이 플래그를 선택하면 필터 드롭 다운에서 값을 선택하여 외래 키를 필터링하면 외래 키는 해당 ID를 사용하여 필터링됩니다.</value>
<value column="Help" isTrl="Y" original="If this flag is checked, when a foreign key is filtered by selecting a value from the filter drop down, the foreign key will be filtered using its id. If this flag is not checked, the foreign key will be filtered using its identifier. ">이 플래그를 선택하면 필터 드롭 다운에서 값을 선택하여 외래 키를 필터링하면 외래 키는 해당 ID를 사용하여 필터링됩니다. 이 플래그를 선택하지 않으면 외래 키는 식별자를 사용하여 필터링됩니다.</value>
<value column="PO_Description" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Help" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Name" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_PrintName" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="9D90F1136B8048D590DC661CF73DFCF6" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Use As Table Data Origin">테이블 데이터 원점으로 사용</value>
<value column="PrintName" isTrl="N" original="UseAsTableDataOrigin">UseAsTableDataOrigin</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="A flag indicating whether this datasource is used as a data origin in the Table window">이 데이터 소스가 테이블 창에서 데이터 원본으로 사용되는지 여부를 나타내는 플래그</value>
<value column="Help" isTrl="Y" original="A flag indicating whether this datasource is used as a data origin in the Table window. In that case, the Table and Column subtabs of the Datasource window are hidden, because the columns of the datasource must be defined in the Columns tab of the Tables and Columns window.">이 데이터 소스가 테이블 창에서 데이터 원본으로 사용되는지 여부를 나타내는 플래그입니다. 이 경우 데이터 소스의 열을 테이블 및 열 창의 열 탭에서 정의해야하므로 데이터 소스 창의 테이블 및 열 하위 탭이 숨겨집니다.</value>
<value column="PO_Description" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Help" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Name" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_PrintName" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="D8467987FB7A4EA6AADCB5500A96CBDB" trl="N">
<value column="Name" isTrl="N" original="HQL Where Clause">HQL Where Clause</value>
<value column="PrintName" isTrl="N" original="The HQL where clause used to filter and query for data.">The HQL where clause used to filter and query for data.</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="N" original="The HQL where clause used to filter and query for data.">The HQL where clause used to filter and query for data.</value>
<value column="Help" isTrl="N" original="The HQL where clause is added to the query to retrieve the data which is returned by the datasource.">The HQL where clause is added to the query to retrieve the data which is returned by the datasource.</value>
<value column="PO_Description" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Help" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_Name" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="PO_PrintName" isTrl="N" original=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_FIELDGROUP" version=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_FIELD" version=""/>

View file

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_FORM" version=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_MENU" version="">
<row id="BAD7089AF94541D985644424BCBC5841" trl="N">
<value column="Name" isTrl="N" original="Datasource">Datasource</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="N" original="Maintain datasources which are used to provide data to the user interface">Maintain datasources which are used to provide data to the user interface</value>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_MESSAGE" version="">
<row id="C870CF6294D94AB190FFF0CDF46B1568" trl="Y">
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="The node must belong to a module that is in development in order to be reparented.">상위 노드를 만들려면 노드가 개발중인 모듈에 속해야합니다.</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="E7DFBB17F3104D5EA18467453C976C7A" trl="N">
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="N" original="Table or class must be set for a datasource.">Table or class must be set for a datasource.</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_MODULE" version=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_PROCESS_PARA" version=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_PROCESS" version=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_REFERENCE" version=""/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_REF_LIST" version="">
<row id="14E993E1BBD24FF9ACA7A300BF4BDB11" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Allow Unsecured Datasource Request">보안되지 않은 데이터 소스 요청 허용</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="This property allows to use unsecured DataSource request.">이 특성은 보안되지 않은 데이터 소스 요청을 사용할 수 있습니다.</value>
<row id="23658853CF2D417B8FB94FE849DB3337" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Allow Where Parameter">어디에 매개 변수를 허용</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="This preference allows to include the '_where' parameter in the datasource requests. If this preference is set to true the datasource will take into account the '_where' request parameter, if not it will be ignored.">이 환경 설정은 데이터 소스 요청에 '_where'매개 변수를 포함 할 수 있습니다. 이 환경 설정이 true로 설정되면 데이터 소스는 '_where'요청 매개 변수를 고려하고 그렇지 않은 경우 무시됩니다.</value>
<row id="39FF39F25DD84390B4617D66E52C08EE" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Translate Yes/No Reference in Export To CSV">CSV로 내보내기에서 예 / 아니요 참조 번역</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="This preference allows the user to translate Yes/No references when uses export to CSV. If this preference is set to true the Yes/No references will translate when export to CSV.">이 환경 설정을 사용하면 CSV로 내보내기를 사용할 때 예 / 아니오 참조를 번역 할 수 있습니다. 이 환경 설정이 true로 설정되면 CSV로 내보낼 때 예 / 아니오 참조가 변환됩니다.</value>
<row id="62980B3E5545466D91CA8B2AC352AF72" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Datasource">데이터 소스</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="Datasource component">데이터 소스 컴포넌트</value>
<row id="F5786C56B31E46868866D16FB46EC3F9" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="CSV Footer Message">CSV 바닥 글 메시지</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="This property allows the user to set a message's search key or a plain text. Either the translated message or the plain text (if not message is found) will be included as the CSV footer.">이 속성을 사용하면 메시지의 검색 키 또는 일반 텍스트를 설정할 수 있습니다. 번역 된 메시지 또는 일반 텍스트 (메시지가없는 경우)가 CSV 바닥 글로 포함됩니다.</value>
<row id="F6A42E6508D0481C8FB1EE5946D05106" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="CSV Header Message">헤더 메시지</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="This property allows the user to set a message's search key or a plain text. Either the translated message or the plain text (if not message is found) will be included as the CSV header.">이 속성을 사용하면 메시지의 검색 키 또는 일반 텍스트를 설정할 수 있습니다. 번역 된 메시지 또는 일반 텍스트 (메시지가없는 경우)가 CSV 헤더로 포함됩니다.</value>
<row id="FF80808130DA75580130DAA2E8C5001B" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="CSV Field Separator">필드 구분 기호</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="This property allows the user to set the character which will be used as field separator on generated CSV files. If it's not set, the comma will be used">이 속성을 사용하면 생성 된 CSV 파일에서 필드 구분 기호로 사용될 문자를 설정할 수 있습니다. 설정하지 않으면 쉼표가 사용됩니다</value>
<row id="FF80808130DA75580130DAA53316001E" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="CSV Decimal Separator">소수점 기호</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="This property allows the user to set the decimal separator that will be used on the generated CSV files. If it is not set, the decimal separator defined in the Format.xml file will be used">이 속성을 사용하면 생성 된 CSV 파일에 사용될 소수 구분 기호를 설정할 수 있습니다. 설정하지 않으면 Format.xml 파일에 정의 된 소수점 구분 기호가 사용됩니다.</value>
<row id="FF80808130E1116E0130E14EB4E90016" trl="N">
<value column="Name" isTrl="N" original="CSV Text Encoding">CSV Text Encoding</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="N" original="This property allows the user to configure the Text Encoding of the generated CSV files. Valid values are for example 'iso-8859-1', or 'UTF-8'">This property allows the user to configure the Text Encoding of the generated CSV files. Valid values are for example 'iso-8859-1', or 'UTF-8'</value>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_TAB" version="">
<row id="D7508D810A3B438D8D6B6760E2855334" trl="Y">
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Datasource field">데이터 소스 필드</value>
<value column="CommitWarning" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="Description" isTrl="Y" original="To maintain datasource fields">데이터 소스 필드를 유지하려면</value>
<value column="Filtername" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="Help" isTrl="Y" original="A datasource provides data from the database. Each data instance (record) in the data source has one or more fields. The technical property name and type are defined in the Openbravo Datasource Field tab.">데이터 소스는 데이터베이스의 데이터를 제공합니다. 데이터 소스의 각 데이터 인스턴스 (레코드)에는 하나 이상의 필드가 있습니다. 기술 속성 이름 및 유형은 Openbravo 데이터 소스 필드 탭에서 정의됩니다.</value>
<row id="EFA7EFCFC6E14827B109D88F236A0B6C" trl="N">
<value column="Name" isTrl="N" original="Datasources">Datasources</value>
<value column="CommitWarning" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="Description" isTrl="N" original="Maintain datasources">Maintain datasources</value>
<value column="Filtername" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<value column="Help" isTrl="N" original="A datasource provides data to a client side user interface component (like a form or grid). The datasource reads for example data from a database table but can also provide data which is computed in real time at runtime. A datasource typically supports the 4 crud operations: create, fetch, update and delete. The fields of the records returned by the datasource are defined as the datasource field.">A datasource provides data to a client side user interface component (like a form or grid). The datasource reads for example data from a database table but can also provide data which is computed in real time at runtime. A datasource typically supports the 4 crud operations: create, fetch, update and delete. The fields of the records returned by the datasource are defined as the datasource field.</value>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_TEXTINTERFACES" version=""/>

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="AD_WINDOW" version="">
<row id="67AD3A287B7F4577A1534C8430E9DB2E" trl="N">
<value column="Name" isTrl="N" original="Datasource">Datasource</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="N" original="Maintain datasources which are used to provide data to the user interface">Maintain datasources which are used to provide data to the user interface</value>
<value column="Help" isTrl="N" original="A datasource is used to provide data to user interface components running on the client. The data can be read from the database or can be computed at runtime in memory. Data consists mostly of records with fields which are displayed on the client in forms and grids.">A datasource is used to provide data to user interface components running on the client. The data can be read from the database or can be computed at runtime in memory. Data consists mostly of records with fields which are displayed on the client in forms and grids.</value>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="M_INVENTORYSTATUS" version=""/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="M_OFFER_TYPE" version=""/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="M_PRODUCT_STATUS" version=""/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="OBCQL_QUERY_COLUMN" version=""/>

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="OBKMO_WIDGET_CLASS_MENU" version=""/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="OBKMO_WIDGET_CLASS" version=""/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="OBUIAPP_PARAMETER" version=""/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="OBUIAPP_PROCESS" version=""/>

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="OBUISEL_SELECTOR_FIELD" version=""/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="OBUISEL_SELECTOR" version=""/>

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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <AD_MODULE_ID><![CDATA[684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24]]></AD_MODULE_ID>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <AD_CLIENT_ID><![CDATA[0]]></AD_CLIENT_ID>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <AD_ORG_ID><![CDATA[0]]></AD_ORG_ID>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <ISACTIVE><![CDATA[Y]]></ISACTIVE>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <NAME><![CDATA[JSON Datasource translation to Korean (South Korea)]]></NAME>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <VERSION><![CDATA[0.0.1]]></VERSION>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <DESCRIPTION><![CDATA[JSON Datasource translation to Korean (South Korea)]]></DESCRIPTION>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <HELP><![CDATA[JSON Datasource translation to Korean (South Korea)]]></HELP>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <TYPE><![CDATA[M]]></TYPE>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <LICENSE><![CDATA[Openbravo Public License 1.1]]></LICENSE>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <JAVAPACKAGE><![CDATA[org.openbravo.kikobar.datasource.ko_KR]]></JAVAPACKAGE>
<!--684C4D4E8D7D4C6BAC79CC475C264E24--> <AUTHOR><![CDATA[Enrique Barcelli]]></AUTHOR>
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View file

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