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# Arch Automated Installer
## Contents
<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Packages](#packages)
- [Shell](#shell)
- [Graphics Drivers](#graphics-drivers)
- [Audio Drivers](#audio-drivers)
- [Base Drivers](#base-drivers)
- [Bluetooth](#bluetooth)
- [Desktop Environment (i3wm)](#desktop-environment-i3wm)
- [Neovim](#neovim)
- [Steam](#steam)
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## Introduction
This is an automated install script to ease the installation process.
I will list all the software that I am using and why. The reason that I am doing this now is that I feel that the best way to enjoy Linux is with tiling window managers, however they are quite a pain to set up. I am going to end up forgetting why I installed specific packages and what I am doing with them. This way I will have a history of essential packages so that I always remember.
## Usage
This script will require you get through to a minimal install of arch. Since the arch install script has gotten better it makes a lot more sense for this to be a post install set up.
## Packages
Desktop Environment and Utilities
### Shell
- zsh
### Graphics Drivers
- nvidia proprietary drivers
- xorg
- All xorg utils
- xrandr
- xinput/libinput
### Audio Drivers
#### Base Drivers
- pipewire
- wireplumber
- pavucontrol
#### Bluetooth
- bluez
- blueman
### Desktop Environment (i3wm)
Window Manager that I personally prefer.
- Terminal: kitty
- Display Manager: sddm
- Clipboard: xclip
- File Manager: TBD
- Terminal File Manager: lf
- Screenshot Utility: flameshot
- Encryption: gnupg with gpgagent
- Theming: lxappearance
- Password Manager: keepassxc
- Wallpaper: nitrogen
- Printers: TBD
- Compositor: picom
- Status bar: Polybar(for now)
### Neovim
- Telescope
- ripgrep
- fzf
- Mason
- git
- url or wget
- unzip
- grep
- tar
- gzip
### Steam