fix missing strings

This commit is contained in:
Enrique Barcelli 2020-06-19 04:38:44 -05:00
parent 32b32505a9
commit 53ab5fb201
4 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -624,7 +624,7 @@
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="The selected lines are from more than one organization. Please, select the Organization of the Purchase Order.">선택한 줄은 둘 이상의 조직에서 온 것입니다. 구입 주문서 의 조직을 선택하십시오.</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="1004400015" trl="N">
<row id="1004400015" trl="Y">
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="This process will create the Purchase Orders necessary to complete all the requisition lines. &#10;An order line is created for each requisition line.&#10;The process closes the requisition when it finishes successfully. &#10;The Order Date is the date of the Purchase Orders. &#10;The Business Partner is the preferred vendor the Purchase Orders. If it is left blank, then the Partner defined in the requisition (or requisition line) is used. If these are not defined, then the current vendor set for the product is used.&#10;The Price List is the price list for the Purchase Orders. If it is left blank, then the Price List defined in the requisition (or requisition line) is used.&#10;The Organization is the organization used by the Purchase Orders.&#10;The Warehouse is the warehouse used by the Purchase Orders.">This process will create the Purchase Orders necessary to complete all the requisition lines. An order line is created for each requisition line.The process closes the requisition when it finishes successfully. The Order Date is the date of the Purchase Orders. The Business Partner is the preferred vendor the Purchase Orders. If it is left blank, then the Partner defined in the requisition (or requisition line) is used. If these are not defined, then the current vendor set for the product is used.The Price List is the price list for the Purchase Orders. If it is left blank, then the Price List defined in the requisition (or requisition line) is
used.The Organization is the organization used by the Purchase Orders.The Warehouse is the warehouse used by the Purchase Orders.</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ used.The Organization is the organization used by the Purchase Orders.The Wareho
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="Registration description&#10;&#10;And Release features, bla, bla, bla">등록 설명및 릴리스 기능, 블라, 블라, 블라</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="1005800002" trl="N">
<row id="1005800002" trl="Y">
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="To help us improve the software quality and understand its worldwide usage, we invite you to enable the Heartbeat. This tool periodically sends to Openbravo anonymous updates regarding your technical system specifications (e.g. operating system, database, Openbravo version, etc.). Enabling the Heartbeat is required to access additional services provided by Openbravo, such as the ability to download and install extension modules. For a full description of the information transmitted to Openbravo, see the &lt;a href='' target='_blank' class='LabelLink'&gt;Heartbeat Configuration&lt;/a&gt; chapter of the User Manual.&#10;&#10;&#10;&#10;Do you want to enable the Heartbeat?">To help us improve the software quality and understand its worldwide usage, we invite you to enable the Heartbeat. This tool periodically sends to Openbravo anonymous updates regarding your technical system specifications (e.g. operating system, database, Openbravo version, etc.). Enabling the Heartbeat is required to access additional services provided by Openbravo, such as the ability to download and install extension modules. For a full description of the information transmitted to Openbravo, see the &lt;a href='' target='_blank' class='LabelLink'&gt;Heartbeat Configuration&lt;/a&gt; chapter of the User Manual.Do
you want to enable the Heartbeat?</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ you want to enable the Heartbeat?</value>
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="There seems to be a Credit Card Number problem.|Continue?">신용 카드 번호 문제가있는 것 같습니다.| 계속?</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="20008B2C36E44251BB8F715DE450633C" trl="N">
<row id="20008B2C36E44251BB8F715DE450633C" trl="Y">
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="We have detected that this Openbravo Professional/Enterprise Edition instance is a clone of&#10;another one.&#10;&#10;You need to go to the Instance Activation window to reactivate the clone. Here you will set&#10;the instance purpose or convert it into a community instance.&#10;&#10;Remember that the Activation Key is only valid for one production environment.&#10;&#10;Press the Continue button to go to the Instance Activation window.">We have detected that this Openbravo Professional/Enterprise Edition instance is a clone ofanother one.You need to go to the Instance Activation window to reactivate the clone. Here you will setthe instance purpose or convert it into a community instance.Remember that the Activation Key is only valid for one production environment.Press the Continue button to go to the Instance Activation window.</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
@ -2450,7 +2450,7 @@ you want to enable the Heartbeat?</value>
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="Select columns and order them">열을 선택하고 주문합니다.</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="272961BF12DB4930A0F8EDDADE8827CA" trl="N">
<row id="272961BF12DB4930A0F8EDDADE8827CA" trl="Y">
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="The Heartbeat is disabled in this Openbravo ERP instance.&#10;&#10;To help us improve the software quality and understand its worldwide use, we invite you to configure the Heartbeat before you install or update extension modules. This tool sends Openbravo periodic updates regarding your technical system specifications (e.g. Operating System, Database, and ERP Version). See Help window in Heartbeat Configuration page for information on data processing.&#10;&#10;To say thanks, configuring the Heartbeat will automatically notify you about specific updates to your installation via an alert (e.g. Openbravo patches, new versions tested with your database).&#10;&#10;Thank you for downloading and supporting our open source ERP.&#10;&#10;Do you want to enable the Heartbeat and continue?">The Heartbeat is disabled in this Openbravo ERP instance.To help us improve the software quality and understand its worldwide use, we invite you to configure the Heartbeat before you install or update extension modules. This tool sends Openbravo periodic updates regarding your technical system specifications (e.g. Operating System, Database, and ERP Version). See Help window in Heartbeat Configuration page for information on data processing.To say thanks, configuring the Heartbeat will automatically notify you about specific updates to your installation via an alert (e.g. Openbravo patches, new versions tested with your database).Thank you for
downloading and supporting our open source ERP.Do you want to enable the Heartbeat and continue?</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
@ -3375,7 +3375,7 @@ downloading and supporting our open source ERP.Do you want to enable the Heartbe
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="Not allowed column name">허용되지 않는 열 이름</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="3DEC8135BCE049449BFDF228C9FB8F34" trl="N">
<row id="3DEC8135BCE049449BFDF228C9FB8F34" trl="Y">
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="Your system is still processing web services calls. However, in the last 30 days this instance has exceeded the daily limit of web service calls allowed by your subscription for @daysExceeding@ days.&#10;You should consider increasing your web service subscription allowance.&#10;Be aware that if the daily limit is exceeded @extraDays@ more times in the @numberOfDays@ next days, the system will stop processing any web service calls after the daily limit is exceeded.">Your system is still processing web services calls. However, in the last 30 days this instance has exceeded the daily limit of web service calls allowed by your subscription for @daysExceeding@ days.You should consider increasing your web service subscription allowance.Be aware that if the daily limit is exceeded @extraDays@ more times in the @numberOfDays@ next days, the system will stop processing any web service calls after the daily limit is exceeded.</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
@ -8885,7 +8885,7 @@ downloading and supporting our open source ERP.Do you want to enable the Heartbe
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="No tax defined for line %s to requisition number: %s">요구 번호에 대한 라인 %s에 대해 정의 된 세금없음 : %s</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="DD486C2E01F64B2F989DE923C43D41DB" trl="N">
<row id="DD486C2E01F64B2F989DE923C43D41DB" trl="Y">
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="You are trying to save a record that is not up to date because it has been modified by another user/process.&#10;&lt;b&gt;Your changes will be lost!&lt;/b&gt;&#10;You can revert your changes by reloading the current record from the database clicking on the &lt;a class=&quot;MessageBox_TextLink&quot; href=&quot;#&quot; onclick=&quot;document.frmMain.autosave.value='N'; submitCommandForm('DEFAULT'); return true;&quot;&gt;reload button&lt;/a&gt;.">You are trying to save a record that is not up to date because it has been modified by another user/process.&lt;b&gt;Your changes will be lost!&lt;/b&gt;You can revert your changes by reloading the current record from the database clicking on the &lt;a class="MessageBox_TextLink" href="#" onclick="document.frmMain.autosave.value='N'; submitCommandForm('DEFAULT'); return true;"&gt;reload button&lt;/a&gt;.</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
@ -9285,7 +9285,7 @@ downloading and supporting our open source ERP.Do you want to enable the Heartbe
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="Concurrent Users Warning">동시 사용자 경고</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>
<row id="F6E64CAFA7E44E88A350335CDCA9F318" trl="N">
<row id="F6E64CAFA7E44E88A350335CDCA9F318" trl="Y">
<value column="MsgText" isTrl="Y" original="Local changes have been found in your database. This probably means that you have created or changed some elements in the Application Dictionary (such as windows, fields, menu entries, or messages), and that you have not exported them. If you don't export them before updating your environment or installing modules, your changes will be replaced.&#10;&#10;Please use the following command to export your changes:&#10;&#10;&lt;i&gt;ant export.database&lt;/i&gt;&#10;&#10;To find out more about this command, and why you should use it, you can read &lt;a href= target=blank_&gt;this&lt;/a&gt; page in the Openbravo wiki.">Local changes have been found in your database. This probably means that you have created or changed some elements in the Application Dictionary (such as windows, fields, menu entries, or messages), and that you have not exported them. If you don't export them before updating your environment or installing modules, your changes will be replaced.Please use the following command to export your changes:&lt;i&gt;ant export.database&lt;/i&gt;To find out more about this command, and why you should use it, you can read &lt;a href= target=blank_&gt;this&lt;/a&gt; page in the Openbravo wiki.</value>
<value column="MsgTip" isTrl="N" original=""/>

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="M_OFFER_TYPE" version="">
<row id="5D4BAF6BB86D4D2C9ED3D5A6FC051579" trl="N">
<value column="Name" isTrl="N" original="Price Adjustment">Price Adjustment</value>
<value column="Name" isTrl="Y" original="Price Adjustment">가격 조정</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="N" original=""/>

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<compiereTrl baseLanguage="en_US" language="ko_KR" table="OBKMO_WIDGET_CLASS" version="">
<row id="7EE694CFF8B94B4C9B9CE69C9D292CC4" trl="N">
<value column="Title" isTrl="N" original="Quotations">Quotations</value>
<value column="Title" isTrl="Y" original="Quotations">인용</value>
<value column="Description" isTrl="N" original=""/>

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<!--B25D4747736B486B81EFB4FE9FB89710--> <AD_ORG_ID><![CDATA[0]]></AD_ORG_ID>
<!--B25D4747736B486B81EFB4FE9FB89710--> <ISACTIVE><![CDATA[Y]]></ISACTIVE>
<!--B25D4747736B486B81EFB4FE9FB89710--> <NAME><![CDATA[Translation of Openbravo Core into Korean (South Korea)]]></NAME>
<!--B25D4747736B486B81EFB4FE9FB89710--> <VERSION><![CDATA[0.0.1]]></VERSION>
<!--B25D4747736B486B81EFB4FE9FB89710--> <VERSION><![CDATA[0.0.2]]></VERSION>
<!--B25D4747736B486B81EFB4FE9FB89710--> <DESCRIPTION><![CDATA[Translation of Openbravo Core into Korean (South Korea)]]></DESCRIPTION>
<!--B25D4747736B486B81EFB4FE9FB89710--> <HELP><![CDATA[Translation of Openbravo Core into Korean (South Korea)]]></HELP>
<!--B25D4747736B486B81EFB4FE9FB89710--> <TYPE><![CDATA[M]]></TYPE>