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Presentation Deck Skeleton for FabLabs/Education


This document outlines the keypoints that could be used for presentation decks and external communications to external FabLabs and Educational Institutions with FabLabs facilities.

FabLab Singapore (aka 'The Federation')

About FabLabSG

What are its objectives

Who is FabLabSG

  • The members and their background/expertise

Why it was formed

Who it is for

  • Makers Community

Engaging the community

  • Keeping the community active by re-energizing talents and expertise and directing them towards inclusive projects and challenges

Who have we been engaging with

Where does the 'FabLab/Edu' comes in

What is their role in the project?

Why they are so important / critical for the success?

What is in it for them?

What do we need from them?

Highlight their existing resources/capabilites

What is required from them

  • The use of the FabLab facilities and equipments
  • Training and guides for the use of equipments
  • Training and certifications for FLSG members and partners

What cost are involved

  • Cost and rates for materials and resources
  • Cost for student internship/attachments to Challenges, projects, etc.

Discounted rates for training and certification for/thru FLSG

Exchange of resources and expertise from FLSG and partners

Corporate Social Responsibility

Describe FabLabSG as social responsible citizen with regard to diversity, inclusiveness and sustainability.

As part of that our initial focus is on Enable, so we can describe FabLabSGxE as a sub-chapter rather than the center of the message. This is consistent with FabLabSG mission being to empower makers to making things, not actually being an organisation focused on Enable.

FabLabSG x Enable (FLSGxE)

"There's only the Disabled and the Temporarily-Abled."

What is FabLabSG x Enable

  • Redirecting makers skillset towards Enabling solutions (via Challenges)
  • Instiling Inclusivity in the makers mindset
  • Facilitating CSR of corporate entities for the disabled community

Why it was formed

  • Existing solutions are either too expensive, or too complicated.
  • Currently, there's no for custom solution provider for the disabled community.
  • Existing 'DIY' solutions by individuals or community existed because there's a need to overcome challenges faced by disabled individuals. They usually lack the right technical expertise.
  • While these solutions do improve the situation, its usually just a patch. Having the right expertise would improve existing solution or create new ones.

Target communities and beneficieries. Who have we communicated with.

  • Special Education institution

FabLabSG Challenge

What are Challenges

  • A cycle of processes to Address, Design and Make(Produce) a solution for issues brought up by the disabled communities. *These issues includes various challenges faced by but not limited to the Special Education teachers & students, disabled individuals and their families, and the aging communites.

    What resources are needed to 'overcome' Challenges

  • Expertise in the makers community. Engineers, programmers for more complex challenges.

  • A facilitator to run and manage the Challenge for that cycle.

  • Equipments and materials for the solutions.

  • Funds to support the Challenge Cycle.